2023 research reports risk

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Here I'm sharing a most concerning research paper just published in 2023. It gives us still more evidence that sleeping pills carry serious risks with prolonged use. 

This research study was very large and well-designed, based on analysis of government data.  

More than 480,000 people were followed in a health screening program in Taiwan. Information about their general health data had been collected, including the average length of their nightly sleep, and their use of sleeping pills.


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Self-Enquiry for Sleeping Pill Users

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Self-Enquiry Questions for Sleeping Pill Users

Here's standard questions intended to help people recognize problems of medication dependency and withdrawal. 

SUGGESTION: If you’re concerned about your sleeping pill prescription, discuss this with your prescribing doctor.  Maybe consider these questions:


 >  your sleeping pill prescription is extending beyond 3 weeks

>  you take a sleeping pill for most of the times when you want to sleep

>  when the medication feels less effective, you…

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Ageism vs. The Wisdom of the Elders


Wisdom or Ageism?

Do you know this word: ‘Ageism’? 

‘Ageism’ is a word first coined in 1969 by American psychiatrist, Robert N. Butler. He was referring to systematic stereotyping or discrimination against people because they are old. 

Through the years, the definition of ‘ageism’ has evolved to mean prejudice against other age groups too, but ageism is still most commonly recognized as prejudice and discrimination against older people. 

This can be a serious social problem — seniors denied …

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Do You Want More Optimism?

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Optimism supports women’s good health — especially in aging. That’s the evidence of dozens of research studies. People with an optimistic attitude tend to have better health outcomes and more years of healthy life. In fact, if optimism were a drug, your doctor would gladly write a prescription! 

This article will highlight 2 recent studies that confirm the better health of optimistic women, and then we’ll consider: What is optimism? How…

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Woman's Natural Power After Menopause - The Message of Evolution

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Women often underestimate the value of post-menopausal life. I’ve been practicing medicine for 40 years, and many times women have told me of their self-doubt after menopause. 

They say: “The best part of life seems over…” “I feel irrelevant…  nonexistent…” “I’m not important…” “I don’t matter…” 

This is too common. Our culture habitually overlooks the significance of older women. 

But human evolution shows us something entirely different. For thousands of years, post-menopausal women were ma…

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How to help your brain the mindful way!


Anxiety is a problem for the mind, but did you know that ongoing anxiety and worry are hard on your brain too? 

That’s what research shows. People who have habits of anxiety and worry tend to lose mental clarity over time. Scientists even link chronic anxiety to an increased risk of dementia!

But, here’s the good news: older people who participate in 8-week mindfulness programs tend to worry less and have clearer minds. Their anxiety decreases. And these improvements tend to continue even 6 mo…

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How can I help my anxiety? - (5 research studies)


These days, I’ve been hearing about anxiety more than ever. Maybe it’s the effect of COVID’s fear and isolation - so many of us are hurting. 

After my last post about anxiety, several women replied, asking for practical information. They ask, “What can help my anxiety?” 

One woman says she’s having a hard time sleeping. “My mind just keeps on thinking. I can't ever really relax.”

Another asks “What about when anxiety spirals and you go to hyper vigilance?”

Do you hear the distress in these m…

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What about anxiety? It's important!

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Do you feel anxious? If so, you’re not alone.

Anxiety is the most common psychological problem in modern life. Psychiatry tells us that nearly a third of adults experience anxiety disorders at some point in their lives. 

Anxiety is usually understood to be that ‘nervous’, fearful awareness that you have when you’re stressed — especially if you’re worrying or feeling apprehensive about the future. You feel anxious.

You might also experience anxiety whenever you’re very focused or intensely a…

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Optimistic Women Have Less Cognitive Decline!

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Optimism lessens your risk of cognitive decline as you age. 

That’s the findings of a 2016 study published in the peer-reviewed journal, Psychosomatic Medicine.

This study is based on data first assembled in the “Health and Retirement Study” — a national survey that tracked the health of more than 37000 American adults over the age of 50.  That survey began in 1992. 

In this study, researchers narrowed their focus to 4600 of those participants. All were 65 years or older when they completed a…

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Want a Long Life? Try Optimism!


Here’s still more evidence showing that optimism is remarkably good for your health. 

Researchers investigated “exceptional longevity” — a life span of 85 years or beyond. They discovered that optimistic people are much more likely to live into their advanced years. 

The research was based on 2 studies. The largest study included more than 69,000 women who participated in the Nurses Health Study, beginning in 1976. The women completed an optimism assessment in 2004, and then their health was t…

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